Art - Overwatch - Ana - Pastel Work

Overwatch- Ana - Pastel Work

Overwatch - Ana (Shrike) - Pastel 16 x 12

I was recently introduced to the world of Overwatch, which is a game based on a FPS style mixed with Moba mechanics. The game is amazing, but what really gets me, is the story behind it, the characters, the backstories the world that has been created. I especially love the animated shorts, and hope Blizzard (Overwatch team) will create more, maybe even a movie! *winky face*

Anyway, back to the artwork. I decided to create some fan art after seeing many people creating fan art for the game. I saw a lot of people were creating digital artwork, but not a lot of traditional art and certainly nothing in pastel. I needed to practice with pastels before setting up my new project for my art students, So I decided I would try create a piece using pastel and chose Ana in her shrike skin. The overall appearance is very pleasing and I love how the soft pastels created even more mystery around this character. Although, her shrike skin is mostly purples, I went for blues as I wanted to feel cold like she was coming out of a cold mist.

#overwatch #blizzard #overwatchart #overwatchanimatedshorts #ana #anashrikeskin #overwatchana #art #pastel #softpastel #artteacher #messy #vivid #soft #gaming#newtaipeicity #taiwan


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