Art - Concerning Earth - Acrylic Painting

Concerning Earth

Concerning Earth - acrylic 12 x 8

This piece of art was inspired by my 'Concerning Australia' piece. There are lots of debates whether global warming is real, is it man-made, or a natural process of the Earth etc. These debates drove me to create this piece, to try capture global warming using acrylic paint. It works well, and it also shows my point of view. Because the warm colors are enveloping the cool colors a lot, it shows that I believe in global warming and its affects on the planet. By adding hand/finger prints it also conveys that I think that global warming is increased by humans. On a side note, I was thinking to add footprints to show carbon foot-printing, but I thought the painting spoke the message without going that far.

#art #artist #painting #acrylic #earth #globalwarming #hot #footprint #carbonfootprint #concern


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