Art - Tigers True Habitat - Acrylic Painting

A Tigers True Habitat

Tigers True Habitat - acrylic 16 x 12 

This was my third second piece in my pop-art series. It was originally being created for Taipei Zoo, however the person who was in contact with me left her position, therefore this piece of art is still with me and is available to buy. The piece was made after numerous visits to Taipei Zoo, and never really seeing a good view of the tigers. One day, I managed to take a photo of one of the tigers through the foliage of its enclosure. This image made me think about perspective and that if the view of my photo wasn't actually with me and only saw the photo in question, they would perceive this tiger as being in its' natural habitat. I then started the process of transferring this concept to an acrylic pop-art painting. I believe it works very well and I love how the greens all mesh together to create this surreal true habitat for the tiger.

#art #artproject #artist #painting #popart #artteacher #animals #tigerpainting #taipeizoo #tiger #sketch #wwf #pencilwork #sony #sonyexperia #headphones #photography #artresearch #taipei #newtaipeicity #taiwan


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