Art - Yorkshire Home (Landscape) - Acrylic Painting

Yorkshire Home

Yorkshire Home (landscape) acrylic 16 x 12

This was a commissioned piece that I created on my return to Taiwan. The idea was to portray the place where I'm from, Yorkshire and the artistic style was my attempt at a kind of pop-art impressionism. I believe it sums up my homeland perfectly, especially with the sheep. This type of scene is typical for the Yorkshire Dales. I tried to convey the scene was being viewed at sunset, which is why I chose warm colors, apart from the strip of blue, on the reservoir. The sheep are just a typical sight anywhere in the countryside of Yorkshire, so they add a ore homely feel to the painting, for those that have been or come from Yorkshire.

#art #artist #painting #acrylic #popart #impressionism #nature #yorkshire #yorkshiredales #sheep #home #sunset #vivid #warm #commission


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